Dental ImplantsOur office places and restores single tooth and multiple implants.
Dr. Tomsik has also repaired and updated old or failing implant cases done by other dentists. He has done many implant-supported dentures, both traditional and mini. Dentures
Dr. Tomsik takes great pride in giving first rate denture services. He personally sets up your denture teeth and strives for the best fit possible. He does quick denture repairs in his own lab. Implant services are also available to hold in dentures that have little or nothing to adhere to.
Dr. Tomsik has been doing porcelain laminate veneers since 1985. He understands what it takes to get good results in reshaping your smile. Veneers take 2 visits and are truly beautiful restorations! Cosmetic Bonding and Tooth Colored Fillings Cosmetic bonding is the application of a tooth colored plastic to the tooth that can change the shade, shape and size of a tooth and achieve a better smile. See "Gallery" for results that can happen in one visit. Crowns
Complete coverings over your existing teeth that can lighten discolored, weak or broken down teeth. Make an appointment to see all the various types of crowns available and the advantages of each.
Pediatric Dental Care
Dr. Tomsik has been seeing children and teenagers ever since he opened his dental practice. It is very important for children to see the dentist and dental hygienist as soon as they can. Many early problems with teeth, crowding, and missing permanent teeth can be spotted early and future problems can many times be prevented. There will be much less tension on the child and parents by getting early dental care. Also, costs are usually reduced by early treatment |
EndonticsRoot Canal
Dr. Tomsik has done thousands of root canals with little or no discomfort to the patient. A root canal eliminates the infection and relieves your pain or toothache. If you are apprehensive, nitrous oxide is a good choice during these appointments. Oral Surgery
Dr. Tomsik will evaluate you for possible removal of your wisdom teeth during your dental exam. He also takes out broken and decayed teeth that cannot be restored. When a denture is necessary, Dr. Tomsik will remove all of your remaining teeth and give you your dentures in the same appointment so you never have to go through a totally toothless period.
Periodontal Care
The periodontal health in your mouth deals with the gums, tissues and bone that surrounds your teeth. Our office will help you maintain good oral health of both teeth and periodontal tissues. Professional cleanings and gum therapy by a dental hygienist is very important. If your gums currently bleed when you brush or floss or you have any lumps or swelling in your mouth, you need to make an appointment with us now and get the proper treatment. We can help! |